Everybody and his brother has written a fractal
generation program, and this page is the homepage of mine. Here is a
list of some of Fract-O-Rama's features:
Available on both win32 and unix, due to the fact that it was
written using Qt, the
excellent cross-platform GUI toolkit.
Comes with full source (though on windows you'll probably
want to download one of the pre-built binary packages as you
will likely only be able to build the program on win32 if you own
a Qt license)
Designed for flexibility - all fractals are specified using
Fract-O-Rama's fractal scripting language so it is possible
to explore a wider variety of fractal types than with
many other generating programs.
Please make your selection:
- source, tgz
- source, zip
- source, windows binary, zip
- source,
windows console binary, zip
- source, windows binary
and windows console binary, zip
- no source, windows binary
- no source,
windows console binary, zip
- no source, windows binary
and windows console binary, zip
All downloads include full documentation as
well as many example formula files.
Current version: 1.7.0,
version history